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Desert Saga - Off-Grid-Cabin-in-Joshua-Tree-National-Park, USA

When architect, Malek Alqadi combined astute environmentalism with his exquisite taste, he didn't just create this home, he sparked a revolution in sustainable tourism. Set on the edge of the Joshua Tree National Park, guests take the lead in operating this clean yet luxurious off-grid space. Think serious stargazing sessions through a telescope, showering by a boulder, and falling asleep under the desert sky with a crackling fireplace at your feet—the second bedroom is open to the elements, with no walls or ceiling. And it's packed with technology too. You can measure your energy consumption, change your light settings and set cooling and heating temperatures of the space. Wrapped in salvaged weathering steel and up-cycled details, it raises the bar on stylish, conscious travel.

The Greeno, a sophisticated Montana woodland hideaway, USA

Nestled into a secluded woodscape, overlooking a picturesque valley

The 12 homes at the green o are carefully arrayed on a densely timbered hillside. Each Haus offers privacy for two—a sanctuary among the trees. Peek through the branches to discover spectacular views of the Blackfoot River Valley. Jagged mountaintops carve their way across the horizon. To the north lies the million-acre Bob Marshall Wilderness and the Swan Mountain Range, with elevations topping 8,000 feet. To the south lies the Garnet Mountain Range, home to large elk herds and raptors of all kinds.

For anyone who’s ever wanted a luxury retreat in Montana, the green o offers unparalleled natural beauty.

Hospitality Design recognized the green o as having the Best Suites (out of more than 800 luxury properties) at the 18th annual HD Awards.